Sacramento Rhoer Club
Rhoers are young girls organized locally, regionally, and nationally. The Rhoer affiliates work to help other young people while they learn about their heritage and develop leadership skills. Sigma Gamma Rho is dedicated to helping Rhoers grow to be women of substance who are dedicated to service.
Rhoer Club Advisors
Soror Shante Williams
Dr. Lawanda Wesley
Soror Ajae Woods
Dr. Mari Smith-Gray
Philo Angela Arrington - Liaison
Soror GaNeane E. Lewis
2024-2025 Rhoer Club Inductees
Rhoer Mackenzie M.
Rhoer Mackenzie M.
Rhoer Caroline D.
Rhoer Caroline D.
Rhoer Khloe J.
Rhoer Khloe J.
Rhoer Joy M.
Rhoer Joy M.
Rhoer Zhiaunna C.
Rhoer Zhiaunna C.
Rhoer Phoenix W.
Rhoer Phoenix W.
Rhoer Beautiful W.
Rhoer Beautiful W.
Rhoers in Action
Dream it.
Sorors from Eta Alpha Sigma Chapter support ex-Rhoer now Soror Xavionna Bryant-Davis as she was inducted into the Sisterhood.
Rhoer Faith Rabb-Patterson and Soror Hawkins
Rhoer Pagent
Rhoers Compete in the Rhoer Pageant to showcase their skills in art, dance, singing, acting, and fashion. Winning the pageant allows you to go on to the Western Region Pageant and then the National Pageant at Boule.
Rhoer Pagent
Rhoers spending time together at the Rhoer Pageant.
Contact us.
If you are a young lady aged 12-18 and are ready to join the sisterhood, or you have questions, please fill out our contact form, and we will get back to you shortly.